Monday, February 9, 2009

ICMG 2009 - How To Run A Successful Conference In A Tough Economy

How do you have a successful conference during a time when almost everything else is trending downward? Two words; Value & Improvisation.

The Inter-Company Marketing Group has long been a unique venue for networking with other industry professionals and forging strategic alliances. Companies participate in ICMG because they have seen the solid track record of ROI for their time and money. In a day of tightening budgets, companies are looking to spend their marketing dollar only where they have the best chance of return. ICMG is well-known for the value they bring to their members.

It was for this reason that it was so surprising to find ICMG was working with marketing consultants from The van Aartrijk Group LLC to better understand what their members wanted and how to best provide it. Whether as a part of that strategy or in addition to it, ICMG also added a group on LinkedIn and enhanced the annual meeting by building it into a networking community. So rather than simply trust what had worked in the past, ICMG instead chose to build on that reputation and deliver an even better product for the future. Improvisation at its finest!

Brave New Workshop, led by Caleb McEwen provided comic relief while communicating the point that improvisation is paramount in today's business world. BNW covered the "8 Secrets of Innovation:"
* Accept all ideas (you don't have to adopt them all...just accept them for consideration)
* Defer judgement
* Share focus/accept all sytles
* Make a declaration (say what you think!)
* Create a "status-less" environment (everyone's ideas matter)
* Create a reward system that recognizes innovation (praise over critique)
* "Yes" first (accept and then add to ideas)
* Perceive change as fuel

If we allow the problems of our times to weight us down, we will be sure to sink. However, if we take hold of the rising tide of change, we can ride the wave of success. Well, if ICMG is any example of the results achieved by seizing the power of change and capitalizing on improvisation - count me in!


  1. Tom, well said. I found a LOT of talk about Linkedin among ICMG members at the conference. I also found members to more receptive to the concept of a Blog this year. I'd be curious to hear the results of the Focus Group done by the Aartrijk Group as well. Mike Wise

  2. Tom -- Improvisation is indeed the order of the day, especially in this economy!

    I believe the commitment of ICMG to find out what members wants is lasting and ongoing. The comments that you and others provided at the recent ICMG annual meeting have been helpful in that process.

    And, speaking of networking, ICMG has a Twitter account (under the username "ICMG"), which offers additional opportunity for ICMG to communicate back and forth with members and with insurance professionals.

    Charles Wasilewski
